Contact us

NIS Institute is a Cyberminute trademark.

Our mission:

Founded in 2019, NiS Institute is dedicated to providing impactful training programs designed to assist busy professionals. NiS Institute focuses on Network and Information Systems Security training, emphasizing cybersecurity, information security, privacy, and risk management. As the specialized training division of CyberMinute, we deliver programs to empower professionals in mastering current and emerging security challenges.

At NiS Institute, we are all experts and want to share our expertise with you. From board members to information security professionals, and team members, we ensure that everybody understands how these domains interact and can be harmonized.

Our approach: 

We specialize in training formulas that are compatible with busy time schedules and that help individuals address cybersecurity, governance, and data protection needs in an efficient and effective way.

NiS Institute places great importance on the quality of our programs. Our instructors are highly experienced, well-qualified, and skilled at delivering course content in a clear and engaging manner. Our training programs come with internationally recognized certifications, making them highly valued in the professional community.

NiS Institute is committed to fostering long-term learning and professional growth. We help participants stay engaged through follow-up sessions, such as our ‘Reconnect’ meetings, themed networking cafes, and online discussion forums. Additionally, we offer focused masterclasses on topics like incident response planning, data governance strategies, and cybersecurity risk assessments.

Why us?

At NiS Institute, we’re here to help you build recognized credentials and advance your career. We offer internationally certified programs that align with global standards, helping you gain credibility and expertise in cybersecurity, risk management, and data protection. With a focus on quality content and expert instruction, NiS Institute ensures you’re always prepared to meet industry demands.